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  • Creator Economy Predictions 2024

Creator Economy Predictions 2024

Navigate the creator economy

Last year was huge for the creator economy. Significant changes in consumer behavior and viewing habits. Big numbers were thrown around, creators launched numerous brands and what not. I believe this year is going to be not any different; the more uncertainty there is, the more we know how to act. These are my 5 predictions this year that will help you navigate the creator economy in 2024:

  1. Brands adopt a more ROI-centric approach

ROI is not just conversions; but impressions, feedback data, content performance analysis, ROAS, sentiment and also awareness.

Niche long-form creators would charge more, spending on short-form creators for awareness

Brands will spend their budget in a way that optimizes for both (awareness & conversions); even though the CPV for niche long-form content is higher.

  1. Many Creator-led businesses will consolidate/undergo M&As

A lot of venture money went into the ecosystem, which lacked the capacity to absorb such capital and the markets weren't big enough to justify such a significant capital influx.

They couldn't find Product Market Fit (PMF)

  1. The need of business operators (in the ecosystem) emerge

People having experience on building brands from scratch will bring real value to other operators and creators (distribution).

Some of the best operators in the space:

  • @Treysteiger35, Max Clemons, Katy Hearn (Congo Brands: full-service product CPG product incubation firm) white-label beverage manufacturer for @PrimeHydrate

  1. A new meta of slow-paced, longer and authentic videos will get market adoption

Retention is not only about how fast your cuts are, but also your progression and personality (how likeable you are)

Not a lot of creators are solving for this; Sam Sulek, Ryan Trahan are few

  1. Uncertainties in the economy and high interest rates

Brands will be evaluating where to spend their capital for the first few quarters

By year-end the economy will be at equilibrium, each stakeholder will have a lot more clarity as where to spend their time and capital.